What's in my CSA this week?

Hello to our many PEAS Farm CSA shareholders!  It is the summer solstice and finally it feels like summer’s sunshine and heat is upon us.  This is good news for both our hot weather crops (tomatoes, peppers, squashes, etc.) and for our CSA members, because soon enough the early season green rush will be coming to an end.
I know many of you have a hard time with the many greens we give you during the first few CSA pick-ups, I hope you have been able to find delicious and creative ways to use the kale, chard, mizuna, mustards, tat-soi, and all the other leafy greens that have been growing so well this cool wet spring!

This week you should have seen a much more colorful table then last week.  This week you may have seen Bok Choy, Mustards, Carrots!!!!, Broccoli Raab (aka Broccolini), Radishes, Kohlrabi, Scallions (aka Green Onions), Lettuce, Chard, Spinach, and Braising Mix.  We hope you enjoy this amazing June bounty, especially the carrots (first of the year!), and soon enough we will be seeing some early season zucchini’s from our new hoophouse, and probably some beets as well.

Here is a few recipes I like to use for a few of this week’s veggies:

Creamed Chard/Spinach

Broccoli Raab