Farm to school

The Garden City Harvest Farm to School program encourages youth to explore connections between food, agriculture, science, and their everyday lives. We offer hands-on, experiential learning opportunities at the PEAS Farm, in school gardens, in Missoula County Public School classrooms, and at many of our other farms and gardens.

Spring and Fall

fARM Field Trips

Photo by Mike Plautz

Spring and fall we offer educational field trips at the PEAS Farm. MORE

Summer field trips

Photo by Athena Photography

Summer educational field trips take place at the PEAS Farm or one our our eight School Gardens. MORE.

Photo by Ali Solomon

A year-long program geared toward 2nd grade classes in Missoula, which teaches about food, agriculture, and nutrition in Montana. The curriculum combines in-class and on-farm experiences. MORE


school gardens

Read about existing gardens and download Garden City Harvest’s school garden curriculum. MORE

summer camps

Children entering grades first through fifth can join in one of our four-day summer camps offered throughout the summer at the PEAS Farm. MORE

Looking for curriculum, kid-friendly recipes for the classroom (works at home too!), resources, or what’s happening outside of Missoula? We’ve got you covered. MORE

[Working at Lowell Elementary School] made me vastly aware of the diversity in this town and it's quite easy to not realize what a struggle it is for some.


I have definitely had kids [who] have found that garden space to be kind of the healing piece of what gardening can be...You can see it in them. There are so many expectations in a classroom—you've got to sit and you’ve got to be quiet in the hallway. In the garden you can relax a little bit—you still have expectations but you can relax them. Just a space for kids to be quiet. - Kinza, participating teacher, Farm to School