Peas Farm: Dirty fingers and eating kale...

The fast and furious work of a farmer in the spring can often be daunting and stressful. So many things to juggle in your mind and then make into a reality through the actual work we do. Weather is unpredictable in the spring, plants don’t always grow the way you want them to, and work day plans often quickly change. Planning and reality don’t always match up, but all farmers know that flexibility and adaptability are skills we can’t live without. So when the stress gets to the point of feeling overwhelming, I like to stop and remind myself that I am doing work I love, for a community that I love, and that like I have in the past, I will rock out that work with a smile on may face making others around me smile and laugh while we do it. The tired mind, exhausted back and legs, and dirty, uncleanable hands are all very worth it at the end of the day.

One thing that makes it worth it for me is when I hear about folks eating more kale!  I love kale, it is my favorite food without question. It is unbelievable and full of power. If you wanna be a ninja when you grow up eat more kale! Lately, we have been working with folks at the Missoula County Public Schools to get kale into the MCPS cafeterias during lunch time.  So far we have had two taste-tests of kale chips with elementary kiddos and both went fantastic! So, if you are looking for an easy way for you or your family to eat some more healthy food, try some kale chips! Here is an easy recipe: