Then and Now: a look back at 25 years cultivating connection
Josh Slotnick with volunteers as they constructed the PEAS Farm barn in 2001.
Garden City Harvest began in 1996, and I joined fifteen years later. As I reflect on our beginnings, I appreciate how much trial and error was required to find how best to feed this community. Teaming up with a dry cleaning business to help distribute surplus food from restaurants. Convincing the University of Montana to use our farm as an outdoor classroom.
Twenty-five years later, the scope and breadth of our work has expanded to a network of 21 farms and gardens throughout the community. Our core ideals still hold true: grow good food for all. Teach and include others in growing food. Respect the land and offer it as an opportunity to dig in and connect, and often, to heal.
I admire those who came before me. They were not afraid to dream big and work tirelessly to bring those dreams to life. From the seeds they planted, Garden City Harvest has grown to be a vital piece of the health and fabric of this community.
With gratitude,
Jean Zosel