Orchard Gardens Seed and Feed Summer Camp


Howdy, Sarah here.  One of the most exciting things of this season is Orchard Gardens Seed and Feed Summer Camp.  Children’s programming in many different forms has been a part of the Orchard Gardens scene from the very beginning.  This year we have hit on the most successful version yet.  Peter Kerns, a member of Montana FoodCorps, is leading a twice-weekly, month long summer day camp.

It is tremendous fun to see Peter and the kids tromping around the farm.




Here’s some of what they’ve done:

Campers weeding the fava beansWeeded the fava beans.

seed and feed campersHarvested and hung garlic for curing.

locally made popcicleMade and ate POPSICLES!

mud hutPerhaps everyone’s favorite:  Built this shelter using old corn stalks and lots of mud.

If only I could be a camper.



This week the cucumbers started going crazy.  Just in time to put their cooling properties to good use.

For a very simple and refreshing dinner last night we had an amazing cucumber salad.

These quantities are pretty much made up as we didn’t measure a thing, but some of you want numbers, so I’ve attempted a guess.

Cucumber and tomato salad

  • 3 cucumbers
  • 10 small tomatoes
  • 1 very large handful of basil
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 12 0z. fresh mozzarella
  • 10 black olives you happen to find in the fridge
  • 3 T olive oil
  • 3 t good vinegar of any variety

Coarsely chop cukes, tomatoes, basil and mozzarella and olives. Crush the garlic into the bowl.  Toss in large bowl with a generous drizzling of olive oil and a liberal splash of good vinegar (any kind).   Season to taste with salt and lots of fresh ground pepper.  Taste and adjust seasoning as desired.

You could add garbanzo beans or smoked tuna or lemon zest or other herbs or even a hard-boiled egg (or two).  You could serve on leafy greens.  Substitute feta or tofu.  Add green beans.  Anything goes.  Our version was super quick, very light and delicious.  Full of summer heat, and yet so very cool.  That’s a cucumber for you.