Wintergreens! It's a celebration of local when nothing seems to be growing

CarrotThe last Sunday of the month, Wintergreens will be filling the Florence Hotel with a celebration of local food, in the midst of winter.  Three delicious soups, cheesy potatoes, cabbage Cesar salad, and to start, Greg’s soon to be famous beet bruscetta.  All made from food grown and raised in Western Montana (we’re not even cheating with the greens this year!) — YES!
The Mayor will be auctioning off pies and cakes from some of our favorite pastry chefs in town, all made with at least three local ingredients.

It is a warm, jovial evening.

So come join us. Pick up your tickets here, or call our office for more information – (406)523-3663.

February 24, 2013
6 pm
The Historic Florence Hotel, 111 N. Higgins Street, Missoula