RECIPE: Corn and Tomato Salad

August- here one minute and gone the next!  How did that happen?  

Well, I guess we can just notch it up to time flies when you are having fun and working hard.

August has its challenges- it’s hot and often smoky, the weeds are almost winning, the end of summer break looms ahead- but it is also the time of ripening of many of our wonderful vegeta-fruits like tomatoes, peppers, and pumpkins.

In our globalized food system, August is the time of year when (in the Northern Hemisphere at least) we begin to harvest corn – an incredible plant with a fascinating history. I really do recommend taking a little time to learn about it, because IT IS IN ALMOSTEVERYTHING WE CONSUME!

Corn has become very controversial, and with good reason. Ranging from high fructose corn syrup to GMO corn pollen, corn has gone from a staple crop to an extension of agribusiness tyranny.  

But wait! corn isn’t all bad! In fact, corn is wonderful. The issue is how we as human have decided to manipulate and use this amaizeing plant (what? too corny?).

On our neighborhood farms, August is the time to harvest sweet corn. For a just a few weeks each year, CSA Farm Share members receive ears of this candy-like corn. It can be cooked, eaten fresh, or stripped off the cob and frozen for later use.

So enjoy that sweet corn!

It is a healthy, sweet treat that comes along only once a year, and takes a lot of work and land to produce.  And when you yearn for corn in the fall, winter, and spring, turn to sweet corn’s cousin, popcorn for a delicious, healthy snack full of antioxidants! (You know we can grow our own popcorn here in Montana too…)

I will leave you with a recipe for this peach of a plant. . .

Sweet Corn and Tomato Salad with Fresh Cilantro

Modified from Bon Appétit, July 2004

Yield: Makes 8 to 10 servings


  • 10 ears fresh corn, husked – the fresher the better

  • 2 pounds plum tomatoes, cut into 1/2-inch cubes

  • 3/4 cup finely chopped red onion

  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro

  • 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil

  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar


  • Cook corn in large pot with boiling salted water until just tender, about 5 minutes.

  • Drain; cool to room temperature. Cut corn kernels from cobs. Transfer corn to large bowl.

  • Add remaining ingredients; toss to blend. Season salad to taste with salt and pepper.

  • (Can be made 2 hours ahead. Let stand at room temperature, tossing occasionally.)