Community Garden News: Good Things Come in Cherry Packages!
There’s a lot to write about this time of year: the American Community Garden Association Conference I just got back from, mulching pathways, when to harvest onions, community building events, and on and on. . . but forget all that – I want to shout at the top of the proverbial mountain top (this blog) that Ryan and I are getting hitched!
Ryan and I met just about the same time I started working for Garden City Harvest in 2008. That first growing season, we tended a garden plot at the River Road Community Garden where we nourished our bodies with the food we grew and began cultivating the beginning of a beautiful partnership. I can’t believe how far we’ve come, still growing our own, and preserving our relationship along with our food. Community gardening and sharing food has a magical way of drawing people together.
Ryan knows me pretty well in that my engagement ring (made by a local artist and friend)
is garden proof! I can dig in the dirt, wash veggies, sand picnic tables, all while sporting my ring. I learned this past weekend that very good things come in cherry packages!